CARY Audio DMS-800PV vs DMS-650


Digital sources

Cary Audio characterizes the sound of their DMS devices as full-bodied, rich, natural in midrange, and silky-smooth in highs. DMS stands for Digital Music Server, for these Carys combine all digital functions in one box, including a DAC and outboard peripheries playback compatibility. They are full of features, and they sound fabulous.

Funkce a forma


In my review of active Focal Diva Utopia loudspeakers, I challenged their built-in and not so good Naim streaming module with several outboard devices to boost the performance of the Focals. It was my first time I used and auditioned two Cary Audio digital servers and was stunned by how they sounded. I wrote: „The combination with Cary Audio streamers was particularly magical, mainly due to Cary's ability to send the vocals into the room in an almost 'tubed' way, warm and very palpable, as if the performer was standing there in front of me in the flesh “. My experience was actually exactly how Cary Audio wanted as their sound philosophy, judged by the descriptions they attached to the DMS-800PV: „The DMS-800PV transcends analog itself, delivering a larger, deeper, wider, and smoother sound that reveals the true essence of each instrument within the recordings”. I would not perhaps use the phrase ´it transcends the analog itself´, but in the context of digital audio what Cary Audio achieved with their streamers is remarkable and the DMS comes as a revelation.

It's not a secret that I am not a fan of streaming. Apart from a very few uber-expensive streaming set-ups I’ve never got goosebumps from music played from subscription services, server libraries, or computers. To me, the streaming is like taking a shower in lukewarm water. It works but there is no pleasure. The Cary Audio has changed my mind.

I’ll start with the cheaper model, the Cary Audio DMS-650, that transported me from a shower to a whirlpool. The sound got sparkling, embracing and warm. Although there was plenty of the usual digital clarity, detail and dynamics, the sound of Cary was more human in its delivery. As if the technology stepped back and musicians took the centre of the stage. The DMS-650’s sound accentuates luxury and comfort, partially due to its weighty and round bottom end that made the sound fatigue-free and more involving. There was certainly much more musicality and less of digital dissection. The current flagship, the DMS-800PV, goes even further.

Nízké frekvence


The DMS-650 streamer/DAC Cary describes as an entry point in their lineup. But what an entry point! The DMS-650 can play native 32bit/768kHz PCM and DSD 512 data from Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, Spotify Connect, vTuner, network computer, NAS drive, accepts up to 3 (!) USB-A flash discs or hard discs, and even has a slot for an SD card, conveniently on is front panel (up to 32GB for SD and up to 2TB for SDXC). It also has aptX HD input and output (output for Bluetooth speakers or headphones) as well as Airplay, and it is Roon Ready and MQA certified. Digital inputs include 2x coaxial S/PDIF, 1x optical Toslink, and 1x AES/EBU, as well as coaxial and optical digital outputs, RCA and XLR outputs, and external clocks interface. PCM upsampling mode is selectable, as is PCM to DSD conversion. The cherry on top is an built-in volume control, so you can bypass preamplifier and go direct to the power amps or active speakers. Wonderful!

The DMS-800PV (the PV stands for „Professional Version” and it is a limited production run) is based on the same principles, but virtually every single aspect of the design has been re-adressed. The DMS-800PV is a dual-mono design, so it doubles DACs (featuring four AKM AK4499EQ chips), digital boards, and analog circuit boards for entirely separate, independent right and left channels. As Cary Audio puts it, “the DMS-800PV is enhanced with a Crystek oscillator clock, dual DSP driver stages, and 14 groups of independent regulated power supplies.”. As far as the connectivity and playback capabilities are concerned it is not less rich equipped than the DMS-600, thus this device becomes one of the most capable DACs/streamers on the market. Another interesting fact: the specs say that the DMS-800PV has 127dB of signal-to-noise ratio. On paper, it is a dream machine.

Čistota rozlišení


The DMS-800PV streamer did not disappoint, no matter which music track I used. In Daddy Lessons (Beyoncé and her Lemonade album) the bass really had excellent control and drive, it was punchy and much tighter than with the cheaper DMS-650, and the sax had the correct brassy essence and timbre that were necessary to cut through the air in the room. The Parcels and their BeMyself was another excellent example of the DMS-800PV inducing the sense of rhythm and pace into the already energetic track, where the bass guitar provided deep and lovely melodic foundation and drove the song forward with its propulsive energy. The streamer seemed not to be phased by any complexity, it handled the sound with complete sovereignty - dynamics, timing, timbre, transparency and sound density, pitch and depth, it was all completely controlled and unconstrained, just as if you were casually listening to the music in the street.

Tonální věrnost


Liberty by Anette Aksvik can be heard on audio shows, room by room, almost as an echo. A beautiful female vocal with spare instrumentation always works on audiophiles. Although this is a purely studio production, the track is produced exceptionally well, and it is rewardingly attractive to any pair of ears. Also, as it is on almost everyone's playlist, Liberty can be easily used as a benchmark track across lineups. Under the dictate of the Cary DM-800PV, the result couldn't be described as anything other than beautiful sounding. It had the refinement and aura that I am used to hear with competently designed tubed amplifiers - the Cary's sound was physical and saturated, it's just that there were no tubes inside. But Cary Audio originally is a tube company, so there is a definite connection there. The DM-800PV laterally imaged much better than the DM-650, and it also had undoubtedly tighter and more articulated bass with better textural resolution. As it happens, the a bit of bass smear adds to the sense of depth of soundstage, so the DM-800PV seemingly projected the soundstage  a tad more forward, whereas the DM-650 put it behind the plane of the speakers.

Along with both Cary Audio streamers, I had the Simaudio Moon 681 streamer on hand. It is a device that splits the price difference between the DM-650 and DM-800PV, so it was definitely a good standard to compare both DMS’s against. In the direct comparison, the 681 was more like a recorded performance playback and the DM-800PV more like a concert visit. If I were to break the sound down to individual parameters, I'd have to admit that the Moon is sonically perhaps more neutral, perhaps more dynamic, and perhaps more capable in terms of getting out of the way of the recording. However, in all fairness I had to admit that the Cary DM-800PV streamer was clearly more fun to listen to, it was drawing me into its musical world more successfully, and its vocal rendering was particularly captivating and standing out.


Šířka scény
Hloubka scény

I confess that I underestimated what the Cary Audio DMS streamers were capable of, until I heard what they were capable of. I should not judge a person by their clothes, still I was misled by the Cary Audio appearance. I know it's highly individual, but this American attempt at design based on the aesthetics of Sony at the end of its audio era 40 years ago just doesn't work in the new century. The Android streaming app environment that seems to mimic Atari games of the 80s doesn't help either. So, here's my first message to Cary Audio: Please pay someone who understands the industrial design and dress your tech in a better coat, it deserves it.

My next message to Cary Audio is: Don't touch the sound. You've managed to hit an attractive balance of virtues, where at least both tested devices easily classify among the most competent streamers/DACs I've heard to date. What’s even more positive news, in an affordable category there are devices that can be a good alternative to physical format players. Cary Audio has my BIG respect.


DMS-650: 7,250€

DMS-800 Professional Version: 17,650€

Cena v době recenze:450 000,- Kč

Doporučení prodejci

High-End Audio Studio, Praha, tel. +420 224 256 844

Připojené komponenty

  • Sources: Focal Diva Utopia built-in Naim streamer, Cary DMS-650, Cary DMS-800 PV, Simaudio Moon North 681
  • Zesilovače: Focal Diva Utopia built-in Naim amplifiers
  • Lodspeakers: Focal Diva Utopia active speakers
  • Interconnects and speaker cables: Nordost Valhalla V2, AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet
  • Power conditioning: IsoTek Evo 3 Elite, Isotek V5 Aquarius



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