For Accuphase, the A-300 monoblock amplifier is considered a jewel in the crown. Although it is not the most powerful amp in their line-up – the P-7500 is with its 2x300W in Class AB – it is certainly the most powerful Class A device ...
The typical cliché of “the separates always sound better” saw its advent before the Covid pandemia and has been declining since then. With lifestyles getting busier, new audiophiles drift towards simpler solutions with ease of ...
Recommended resellers
CZ: Mareka Audio, Horoměřice, +420 603 259 667
CZ: Avitsmart, Praha, +420 605 836 876
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Before any critical listening, let the amplifier warm up for an hour, as it does not do its best when cold. When I owned A-70, I never switched it off, although I acknowledge it was quite an expensive for the Class A drew over 200 ...
Simaudio have reworked their catalogue for this year, and they have done so thoroughly. Although they stick to confusing model numbers for some reasons, their current portfolio is laid in just three tiers, each with a source and an ...
Recommended resellers
CZ: Mareka Audio, Horoměřice, +420 603 259 667
CZ: Avitsmart, Praha, +420 605 836 876
SK: Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
The AW 800 M is Electrocompaniet’s new flagship power amplifier. Now hold tight: it replaces the AW 600 NEMO power amp, that has held the top-of-the-catalogue position in the company’s catalogue for incredible 25 years. Which other ...
Eigentakt is the current last word in Class D amplifier technology. It marries Class D efficiency and clean output power, low impedance rating, and compact design to vanishingly low harmonic and intermodulation distortion, and ...
The golden cases are a sort of revelation, in the age of silver aluminum, titanium grey, and carbon black. Like Armani amongst mass-produced clothing. I like that these Italians are not afraid to show-off their style, although – to ...
Recommended resellers
Audio Ranny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
Audio Research is an amplifier legend. The brand had been expected to get a boost when it was acquired by Fine Sounds Group (now transformed into McIntosh Group), however, the lift off did not happen. Recently the brand has been ...
The Simaudio Moon 860A v2 is a second-best amplifier in the Simaudio range. The highest pedestal is reserved for the Moon 888 flagship model that makes you short of 70 thousand euro. Compared to this beast the 860A v2 is a budget ...
Recommended resellers
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Vitus Audio SM-103 mono power amplifiers belong to a ´final solution´ product category, provided there is something like a final solution in audio. The owner will need a strong back, ample room, and correspondingly mature speakers. ...
The funny fact about the Constellation Audio’s Pictor preamplifier and Taurus stereo power amplifier: in the company’s amplifier hierarchy they are a part of Revelation series which is a ‘compact car’ in automotive terminology. The ...
Recommended resellers
No distributor at the time of the review.
Back in 2013 I was given a CD with Amsterdam Symphony’ s New Year Concert. This recording, on JBR label, was conceived with Van Medevoort electronics and thus it immediately qualified for the amplifier review. On the selections from ...
Recommended resellers
AudioRanny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
The design of the Michi kombo is in a ´Fifty shades of Black´ style and perfectly fits within the contemporary industrial design. The metal and glass elements are precisely matched as if a BMW and Samsung team was behind the creation ...
Recommended resellers
EP Audio, Praha, tel. +420 323 605 088
Jasyko, Brno, +420 541 210 108
The Kaluga is a switching power amplifier that uses Hypex Ncore modules designed around multiple feedback loops to suppress higher-order harmonic distortion. The feedback loops are applied across the while audioband not to impair ...
Recommended resellers
RP Audio, Ostrava, +420 737 366 831
Both the 740P and 870A represent great value components – for the price you pay the sound of this combo is unbeatable. Simaudio offers 10 year warranty with their products which also screams of the confidence in their own products. ...
Recommended resellers
Platan Audio, Hlohovec / Bratislava, tel. +421 905 409 802
Bass is essential. Music is no fun without good fundaments, unless one prefers listening to flute recitals only. In a recording studio the bass, that is the drums and the bass guitar, are the first thing that has to be gotten right ...
Searching the archives of Audiodrom brings up the recollections of several powerful and well designed power amplifiers - to move around the monuments like the Bryston 28B-SST2, the Musical Fidelity Titan or the Accuphase A-200 ...
To conclude I can only reconfirm that Luxman have made a quantum leap with the new generation models. The difference between its top amplifiers is rather the one in sonic character – the M-900u is closer to the previous Luxman’s class ...
Recommended resellers
HTP s.r.o., tel: +420 606 642 175
PP HiFi Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The sound of the Van Medevoort combo had two very attractive features that reminded me of Mark Levinsons: the sound was very clean and very controlled. The VM PAQs is a powerful amplifier (2x480W into 4 ohms) and my speakers loved it ...
Recommended resellers
AudioRanny, Praha, tel. +420 777 003 134
My summary could be pretty straightforward: the anniversary Luxman M-900u/C-900u combo is a fantastic piece of audio that signifies a new era for the company. I can say aloud that both amps are first affordable amps, however relative ...
Recommended resellers
HTP s.r.o., tel: +420 606 642 175
PP HiFi Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The McIntosh MC1.2KW is an excellent power amplifier. I cannot image an audio system where the MC1.2KW would be the weakest link. Therefore it is a pity that McIntosh Labs have no CD player or a preamplifier on the same qualitative ...
Recommended resellers
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
When mankind is eliminated by a gigantic volcano eruption, a tsunami or Godzilla, most parts of the Emitter will remain to exist as this amplifier is dustproof, waterproof and heatproof. The ASR's catalogue is far from complicated - ...
I felt like a heretic always when I was switching off the MC501's meters. As if the amplifier was saying „What! Are you sane? Look, I am a McIntosh, I have to cast the blue light. If you switch it off I will lose a part of of my ...
Recommended resellers
PP HiFi Studio, Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Would you mind to have an amplifier with 2kW into 4 ohms? Would you object to have a non-distorting amplifier from 10Hz to 50kHz? Would you enjoy 126dB of its dynamic range? And, finally, can you imagine that all of this and much ...
In Bryston they have managed to refine their amplifiers to the degree that can be considered a state-of-the-art for solid-state amplification. I mentioned that lesser amps of Bryston are all bargains and for reasonable money one gets ...
The A-65 has a better bottom-end control and though it does not equal to the solidness of, let's say, Bryston or Plinius, the improvement has moved the new amp in the right direction. Overall, the Accuphase A-65 is more refined, ...
Recommended resellers
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
It is almost a paranormal phenomenon to see 20-year part and labor warranty on an audio component. Throughout the years Bryston earned the reputation of virtually undamageable products, the fact that can be checked on ´used ...
Though Spectral Audio’s team has the access to the most advanced audio technologies they keep following the rule that in any contest between theory or test bench measurements and what the ear actually hears, the ear ultimately ...
The Luxman M-600A (and the C-600f preamp too) are extremely good machines. They have the sonic sophistication of the real high-end plus juicy and lively sound of a pure entertainer. It occupies the place between solid-state and tubes ...
Recommended resellers
HTP s.r.o., tel: +420 606 642 175
PP HiFi Otrokovice, tel. +420 603 581 305
Nisel SK, Bratislava, tel. +421 905 203 078
The most apparent fact with the No.432 is that nothing is apparent. In that sense the No.432 asymptotically approaches what I would call ‘neutrality’. The sound is very balanced and the things one tends to expect, like ...
The SA-Reference very finely handles sensitive musical information and brings the performances on silver discs to life, like choirs in Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana. You can easily hear the individual voices from the right and ...
It was as if the recording venue had new air filters installed and an extra dose of oxygen was pumped in during a performance – the sense of vertigo was very strong and I did not want to return back to the ´dusty´sound of everything ...
Recommended resellers
Hanzel Audio, Komárno, tel. +421 905 400 770
Philosophically speaking, how it is possible that the Audiomat listeners say that the voice of Frank Sinatra in Nice & Easy is perfectly realistic, undistorted and tonally correct? None of them have ever had a chance to hear ...
Recommended resellers
Interaudio SK, Komárno, tel. +421 905 884 677